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ISO IEC 17991-2021 pdf Information technology — Office equipment — Method for measuring scanning productivity of digital scanning devices

IEC standards 11-29
ISO IEC 17991-2021 pdf Information technology — Office equipment — Method for measuring scanning productivity of digital scanning devices

3.3 scEFTP effective throughput rate at which a device scans pages measured from the initiation of the job through the full ejection of the last page of the scanning sets or through the complete creation of the file on the shared network folder or PC after the transfer of the last page of the last test set (3.16) EXAMPLE scEFTP 1setA means scanning effective throughput of “1 set test ” for “ADF productivity measurement ”. Note 1 to entry: “sc ” denotes that the measurement is taken on the scanner. Note 2 to entry: There are suffixes such as “ 1setA ”, “ 30secF ” or “ 30secP ”. Each suffix is used to classify tests such as “1 set test ” or “1 set + 30 second test ” of the objects of tests for “ADF productivity measurement ” (using suffix A), “scan to network folder productivity measurement ”(using suffix F) or “scan to pc file productivity measurement ” (using suffix P) test respectively. Note 3 to entry: scEFTP is expressed in images per minute (ipm); it can be affected by scan time, digital processing time, maintenance and the run time of the test. Note 4 to entry: A different term ( “EFTP; effective throughput ” for digital copying machines) is defined in ISO/IEC 24735. Note 5 to entry: As for scEFTP 30secF , measurement parameters involving the measurement of file transmission to a network folder are dependent on other factors like the computer and network configuration and represent relative values and not absolute values. Note 6 to entry: As for scEFTP 30secP , measurement parameters involving the measurement of file transmission to a file are dependent on other factors like the computer, IO connection, IO speed and represent relative values and not absolute values.
3.6 scFSOT first set out time number of seconds between the initiation of the job to full ejection of the last page of the first test set (3.16) from the ADF Note 1 to entry: There are suffixes such as “ 1setA ”, “ 30secF ” or “ 30secP ”. Each suffix is used to classify tests such as “1 set test ” or “1 set + 30 second test ” of the objects of tests for “ADF productivity measurement ” (using suffix A), “scan to network folder productivity measurement ”(using suffix F) or “scan to pc file productivity measurement ” (using suffix P) test respectively . 3.7 full detailed report presentation of information including machine setup, summary and full measured test results Note 1 to entry: An example of the full detailed report is shown in Annex B.
