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IEC TS 63140-2021 pdf Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Partial shade endurance testing for monolithically integrated products

IEC standards 11-29
IEC TS 63140-2021 pdf Photovoltaic (PV) modules – Partial shade endurance testing for monolithically integrated products

5 Apparatus If a procedure requiring physical testing is performed, the procedure requires: NOTE 1 In some cases test U (described below) can be completed without physical testing. a) equipment for stabilizing module performance according to IEC 61215-2 MQT 19; b) equipment for measuring I-V curves according to IEC 61215-2 MQT 02, per IEC 60904-1; c) equipment for operating the PV module in a constant-current mode; – if the module under test contains a bypass diode, the electrical load equipment shall be able to sink current up to 1,5 times the module’s nameplate I mp; – if the module under test does not contain a bypass diode, the electrical load equipment shall be able to both source and sink current up to 1,5 times the module’s nameplate I mp , at whatever voltage (up to the maximum string voltage) is required to do so; NOTE 2 The voltage required to ensure that I mp is flowing at all times during the test varies by product, and may be negative (reverse bias) when the mask is on the module. – the current passed by the load equipment shall be updated to accommodate changes in irradiance and these updates shall be frequent enough that changes in irradiance never exceed 5 % between updates; d) equipment for mounting the module outdoors in natural sunlight or a class CCC or better continuous solar simulator, in compliance with IEC 60904-9; e) a radiometer (pyranometer or reference cell meeting the requirements of IEC 60904-2) for measuring irradiance incident on the module plane in the continuous solar simulator or in natural sunlight; f) one or more masks conforming to the requirements below for one or more tests selected from Table 1: – for test M, a mask roughly approximating the shape of a human body (from thigh to head, approximated by a rectangle for ease of fabrication, conforming to the dimensions in Figure 2) and blocking 88 % to 92 % of incident light.
