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IEC 63245-1-2021 pdf Spatial wireless power transfer based on multiple magnetic resonances – Part 1: Requirements

IEC standards 11-29
IEC 63245-1-2021 pdf Spatial wireless power transfer based on multiple magnetic resonances – Part 1: Requirements

3.1.4 spatial wireless power transfer system group implementing spatial wireless power transfer in which the power source can deliver power and data to the power-receiving device Note 1 to entry: In special cases, a spatial wireless power transfer system can consist of only a single power source and only a single power-receiving device. Note 2 to entry: Spatial wireless power transfer system includes the case in which a power source has the ability to access a power-receiving device through a relay from other power sources when the power source attempts to deliver data to the receiving device. In this document, “data” means control and management data for wireless power transfer. [SOURCE: IEC 62827-3:2016, 3.1.3] 3.1.5 transmitter coil component of a wireless power transmitter that converts electric current to magnetic flux [SOURCE: IEC 63006:2019, 3.1.48] 3.2 Abbreviated terms 2D two-dimensional 3D three-dimensional SWPT spatial wireless power transfer SWPT-MMR spatial wireless power transfer based on multiple magnetic resonances WPT wireless power transfer 4 Overview of spatial wireless power transfer IEC TR 62869 describes types of WPT physical layer technologies. Among the technologies, electromagnetic induction and magnetic resonance technologies are dominantly used in recent industries. The IEC PAS 63095 and WPC Qi series specifies WPT based on electromagnetic induction technology, whereas IEC 63028 specifies WPT based on magnetic resonance technology. A spatial wireless power transfer (SWPT) system delivers the electronic power to one or more receivers within a spatial space. Figure 1 shows a conceptual image of SWPT described in IEC 62827-3.
5.1.2 Quiet zone For transferring electric energy to a receiver in any position within a 3D charging zone, energy density in the charging zone shall be equalized corresponding to each of the magnetic fields formed on the transmitting coils. To equalize energy density within the charging zone, at least one pair of transmitter coils are arranged to face each other and they generate a magnetic field by using the current supplied from at least one power source. The 3D space with equalized energy density is referred to as a “quiet zone”. Figure 4 and Figure 5 show interaction between transmitter coils for generating a quiet zone. A pair of transmitter coils generates a quiet zone in one direction. To add a quiet zone in another direction, an additional pair of transmitter coils can be arranged.
