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IEC 62546-2009 pdf High Definition (HD) recording link guidelines

IEC standards 11-28
IEC 62546-2009 pdf High Definition (HD) recording link guidelines

7.5.3 Support for selection of record destination A REC must support the selection of record destination using the following vendor-specific UPnP actions of the Content Directory service 8 2 H [5]: a) CDS:X_HDLnkGetRecordDestinations()– returns a list of possible record destinations. This action is used by RCV to acquire the possible record destinations; b) CDS:X_HDLnkGetRecordDestinationInfo()– returns properties of a given record destination. This action is used by the RCV to query the status of a given record destination (e.g. media type, total capacity, etc.); c) CDS:X_HDLnkGetRecordContainerID() – returns the CDS container ID associated to a given record destination. This function is used by the RCV to select a CDS container with a given record destination. The returned container ID is later used in the execution of the CreateObject() action of the upload operation. 7.5.4 Actions X_HDLnkGetRecordDestinations() This action returns a RecordDestination XML document describing the possible record destinations that a REC device supports, if any. The action is used by the REC to expose the possible record destinations, see Table 4.
The argument Elements is identical to the argument Elements of CreateObject (see 8 4 H [5]) except ParentID and is provided to describe the object that will be uploaded later. This way the REC can refine the selection of the associated container ID. For example, using the same RecordDestinationID a given REC implementation may expect the upload of audio and video items in two different containers. Obviously, the argument Elements cannot include a valid parentID which is the expected result of the action. Hence, the value of parentID in the argument Elements must be empty (“ ”) in this action. State variables X_A_ARG_TYPE_RecordDestinationID This state variable is introduced to provide type information for the RecordDestinationID argument in various actions. The RecordDestinationID argument uniquely identifies individual record destinations within this vendor-specific extension of the Content Directory service 8 5 H [5].
