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IEC 60850-2014 pdf Railway applications – Supply voltages of traction systems

IEC standards 11-28
IEC 60850-2014 pdf Railway applications – Supply voltages of traction systems

The characteristics of the generic voltages of traction power supply systems (overvoltages excluded) are specified in Table 1 below. “Generic”, means that these voltages of the traction power supply systems are to be used in projects which have common/classical operating parameters and allow the use of other generic international standards. These traction power supply systems are implemented in many countries over the world and their efficiency is proven.
4.2 Frequency The frequency of the 50 Hz and 60 Hz electric traction systems is imposed by the three phase grid. NOTE 1 Therefore, the values stated in EN 501 60 are applicable in Europe. The frequency of the 1 6,7 Hz electric traction system (except for synchronous-synchronous converters) is not imposed by the three phase grid. NOTE 2 Concerning the 1 6,7 Hz electric traction system, strictly considered, the frequency corresponds to 1 6⅔ Hz. In order to simplify the denomination of the system, it is agreed to state the frequency as 1 6,7 Hz. This denomination is used in this standard. The frequencies on AC railway power systems and their permissible limits are shown hereinafter. Under normal operating conditions, the mean value of the fundamental frequency measured over 1 0 s shall be within a range of the HV supply network. • For systems with synchronous connection to an interconnected system: 50 Hz ± 1 % (i.e. 49,5 Hz to 50,5 Hz) for 99,5 % of a year 50 Hz + 4 %/–6 % (i.e. 47 Hz to 52 Hz) for 1 00 % of the time • For systems with no synchronous connection to an interconnected system (e.g. supply systems on certain islands): 50 Hz ± 2 % (i.e. 49 Hz to 51 Hz) for 95 % of a week 50 Hz ± 1 5 % (i.e. 42,5 Hz to 57,5 Hz) for 1 00 % of the time For 60 Hz electric traction systems, the limit values for frequency variations are from 59 Hz to 61 Hz. NOTE 3 Special national conditions for China, see Annex B. For 1 6,7 Hz electric traction systems, the value are: • for systems with synchronous connection to an interconnected system: 1 6,7 Hz ± 1 % (i.e. 1 6,5 Hz to 1 6,83 Hz) for 99,5 % of a year 1 6,7 Hz + 4 %/–6 % (i.e. 1 5,67 Hz to 1 7,33 Hz) for 1 00 % of the time
