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IEC 60086-3-2021 pdf Primary batteries – Part 3: Watch batteries

IEC standards 11-29
IEC 60086-3-2021 pdf Primary batteries – Part 3: Watch batteries

5.2 Closed circuit voltage U cc (CCV), internal resistance and impedance Closed circuit voltage and internal resistance shall be measured according to 7.2. AC impedance should be measured with an LCR meter. Limit values shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. 5.3 Capacity The capacity shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser on the basis of a continuous discharge test, according to 7.2.6. 5.4 Capacity retention The capacity retention is the ratio between the capacities under the given discharge conditions measured on fresh batteries and a sample of the same lot stored during 365 days at (20 ± 2) °C and a relative humidity between (55 ± 20) %. The ratio of capacity retention shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser. The minimum value should be at least 90 % for a period of 1 2 months. The capacity measurement is carried out according to 7.2.6. For the purpose of verifying compliance with this document, conditional acceptance may be given after completion of the initial capacity tests.
6 Sampling and quality assurance The use of sampling plans or product quality indices should be agreed between manufacturer and purchaser. Where no agreement is specified, refer to ISO 2859 and ISO 21 747 for sampling and quality compliance assessment advice. 7 Test methods 7.1 Shape and dimensions 7.1.1 Shape requirement The shape of the negative contact is checked preferably by optical projection or by an open gauge according to Figure 3. The measurement method shall be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
Procedure: The procedure to inspect with the open gauge is shown. The battery is moved toward the side A of the gauge while applying the outer periphery of the positive electrode to the side B and maintaining the flat part of the negative electrode terminal at 90 ° with respect to the side B. A battery having a gap without contact between the side A of the gauge and the flat part of the negative electrode terminal does not satisfy the requirements. NOTE The surface of the open gauge is made of non-conductive hard resin to prevent external short circuit.
