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  • 5.2 If the traction vehicle operates in radio remote control mode, all the command signals used in manual control mode shall be ineffective except the emergency stop command. If required, the warning signal, sanding, application of brake, decrease of power and motor stop commands may also be effective in radio remote control mode. 5.3 The traction vehicle shall be equipped with an interlock feature to prevent simultaneous activation of manual control and radio remote control modes. Switching from manual control mode to radio remote control mode, and vice versa, shall be done only when the traction vehicle is at a...
  • 1 2 Maximum floor load and wheel contact pressure 1 2.1 General The maximum pressure exerted onto a floor surface by any wheel or caster on the machine, during expected operation or transport mode. These parameters are intended to indicate the suitability of the machine for specific floor surfaces. The values can be compared against the static load limit rating of the floor surface. 1 2.2 Measurement method The maximum floor load shall be measured in accordance with Annex A on concrete precast paving slabs according to IEC 60335-2-72. 1 2.3 Reporting The value is reported in accordance with Annex...
  • This International Standard relates to a measurement method for complex permittivity of a dielectric rod at microwave frequency. This method has been developed to evaluate the dielectric properties of low-loss materials in coaxial cables and electronic devices used in microwave systems. It uses the TM 01 0 mode in a circular cylindrical cavity and presents accurate measurement results of a dielectric rod sample, where the effect of sample insertion holes is taken into account accurately on the basis of the rigorous electromagnetic analysis. In comparison with the conventional method described in IEC 60556 [2] 1 , this method has the...
  • 5 RMS categorization and classification 5.1 Function categorization for RMS RMS in nuclear power plants provides continuous information about the radiological conditions in NPP by measuring the radiation levels in specific areas, on certain process lines and at gaseous and liquid release points. It provides alarms and can initiate automatic actions when the monitored radioactivity reaches levels that have been determined to be abnormal. The plant safety design base assigns the individual RMS functions important to safety into one of three categories A, B or C, considering the relationships to other systems to be connected. The main design requirements for...
  • 7.1 0 Gas leakage test The cell shall have been prepared in accordance with 7.2. The cell shall be further charged at a constant current of 0,02 I t A. During this charge the cell voltage shall be measured at intervals of 30 min. When the voltage is stabilised the cell shall be immersed in insulating oil and the charging continued for 1 h. Then the possible emergence of gas bubbles shall be observed for another hour with the cell still being charged. No gas bubble shall be observed during this 1 h period. 7.1 1 Storage The cells shall...
  • This International Standard specifies marking, tests and requirements for lithium secondary cells and batteries used in industrial applications including stationary applications. When there exists an IEC standard specifying test conditions and requirements for cells used in special applications and which is in conflict with this standard, the former takes precedence. (e.g. IEC 62660 series on road vehicles). The following are some examples of applications that utilize the cells and batteries under the scope of this standard. • Stationary applications: telecom, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), electrical energy storage system, utility switching, emergency power and similar applications. • Motive applications: fork-lift truck,...
  • 3.1 9 pre-conditioning discharging and storage of a capacitor under specified ambient conditions (temperature, humidity, and pressure) before testing NOTE Generally, pre-conditioning implies that a capacitor is discharged and stored until its inner temperature attains thermal equilibrium with the surrounding temperature, before its electrical characteristics are measured. 3.20 voltage treatment voltage application before measurement of a capacitor’s electrical characteristics NOTE Generally, this treatment is applied to a capacitor that has been stored for a long time or to a capacitor whose history is not clear. 3.21 post-treatment (recovery) discharging and storage of a capacitor under specified ambient conditions (temperature, humidity,...
  • 7.5.3 Support for selection of record destination A REC must support the selection of record destination using the following vendor-specific UPnP actions of the Content Directory service 8 2 H [5]: a) CDS:X_HDLnkGetRecordDestinations()– returns a list of possible record destinations. This action is used by RCV to acquire the possible record destinations; b) CDS:X_HDLnkGetRecordDestinationInfo()– returns properties of a given record destination. This action is used by the RCV to query the status of a given record destination (e.g. media type, total capacity, etc.); c) CDS:X_HDLnkGetRecordContainerID() – returns the CDS container ID associated to a given record destination. This function is...
  • Environmentally conscious design is performed based on regulatory and stakeholder requirements, changes in technology, market trends as well as the policies and procedures of the organization. These requirements may address parts of the supply chain not directly under control of the specifying organization but still affecting the product and should be considered. The organization should regularly review the internal and external requirements and incorporate those that are relevant into the ECD process. The decisions made by management determine the framework and targets of the ECD programme, the level of support the work will receive (including financial and human resources and...
  • 4.3.2 Resistance element material Platinum is used extensively for resistance thermometers in an NPP for both safety- and non- safety-related instrument applications. Platinum is a noble metal, relatively stable and unaffected by its surrounding environment. It resists corrosion, oxidation, and other forms of chemical attack. It is easily workable and can be drawn into fine wires. Platinum has a high melting- point, which shows little volatilization below 1 000 °C. Platinum can be obtained to a high degree of purity, which has a reproducible electrical and chemical characteristic over a wide range of temperatures. All this is evidenced by a...