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  • 5 Apparatus If a procedure requiring physical testing is performed, the procedure requires: NOTE 1 In some cases test U (described below) can be completed without physical testing. a) equipment for stabilizing module performance according to IEC 61215-2 MQT 19; b) equipment for measuring I-V curves according to IEC 61215-2 MQT 02, per IEC 60904-1; c) equipment for operating the PV module in a constant-current mode; – if the module under test contains a bypass diode, the electrical load equipment shall be able to sink current up to 1,5 times the module’s nameplate I mp; – if the module under...
  • 3.8 lead time time between the alarm signal and the release of the extinguishing medium 3.9 aspirating smoke detector ASD high-sensitivity detector, which consists of a central detection unit, that draws air through a system of pipes to detect smoke Note 1 to entry: The sampling chamber is based on a nephelometer, that detects the presence of smoke particles suspended in air by detecting the light scatterd by them in the chamber. In most cases aspirating smoke detectors require a fan unit to draw in a sample of air from the monitored area through its system of pipes. 3.10 delay...
  • Many SMR designs include so-called passive design features and passive systems where the performance of particular functions (in particular, safety functions) requires little or no external power and human control. For example, a passive residual heat removal system does not require the activity of powered pumps, but relies solely on natural convection, possibly after the opening of a few valves. Such features are not specific to SMRs, but their small size and low power levels facilitate their introduction. As such features place less demand on non-passive support systems, they significantly contribute to design simplification and to cost reduction and hopefully...
  • The magnetic dipole moment of the test specimen is detected by the voltage induced in the M coil due to the movement of the test specimen (see 4.4). The magnetic polarization of the test specimen is calculated from the magnetic dipole moment and the volume of the test specimen (see 7.2). For calibration aspects, see Clause 9. There are two methods different in modes of the movement of the test specimen: a) the SCM-VSM method: the test specimen is vibrated with a small amplitude in the M coil; b) the SCM-Extraction method: the test specimen is extracted through the M...
  • 4 Overview 4.1 High dynamic range video HDR video signals are able to represent pictures that can be displayed with much higher peak luminance levels and much darker black levels compared to traditional SDR signals. HDR signals can potentially change the related power consumption of HDR-capable televisions. For more information on the history, nature, and ranges of HDR video, see IEC TR 62935:2016, Clause 4 [14]. For information on the early HDR Standards and Related Activities, see IEC TR 62935:2016, Clause 5 [14]. However, most of the standards outlined in IEC TR 62935:2016, Clause 5 [14] have been updated or...
  • 3.8 reproducibility standard deviation: standard deviation of test results or measurement results obtained under reproducibility conditions Note 1 to entry: It is a measure of the dispersion of the distribution of test or measurement results under reproducibility conditions. Note 2 to entry: Similarly, “reproducibility variance” and “reproducibility coefficient of variation” can be defined and used as measures of the dispersion of test or measurement results under reproducibility conditions. [SOURCE: ISO 3534-2:2006, 3.3.1 2 modified – Cross-references have been deleted] 3.9 outlier member of a small subset of observations that appears to be inconsistent with the remainder of a given sample...
  • Roofing materials are tested for certain fire withstand capabilities. However, these product characteristics may not be sufficient to withstand the energy from an arc or fire caused by a fault. If a roofing material is capable of being ignited by an arc or fire caused by a fault, additional measures may be taken into account. Additionally, the presence of PV modules in close proximity to roofing materials may trap or radiate heat from a rooftop fire causing additional roof damage. The higher the fire resistance of the roofing system, the less likely a rooftop fire will cause widespread damage. Depending...
  • 4.3 Main circuit configuration Disconnectors at the two terminals of the transmission line should be open during measurement. Parallel with the transmission line, connected equipment should be disconnected, such as shunt reactors and capacitive transformer. Series reactors and capacitors used in the transmission line shall be bypassed. If the transmission line to be measured is composed of overhead lines, cables or gas- insulated lines (GIL), it is recommended to measure the parameters of the overhead lines, cables or GIL, separately. To eliminate the resistance of the connecting lines for test, two connecting lines, i.e. voltage and current connecting lines, can...
  • More recently, standards for remote powering over generic information technology cabling have resulted in a further increase in installations to support distributed building services in all types of premises. Whilst cables may be installed in conformance with a required transmission performance, they are unlikely to perform in the same manner under fire conditions. The reaction to fire tests do not normally assess transmission performance. The pass/fail criteria for resistance to fire tests are typically a simple degradation in cable transmission performance, which might not ensure that the system itself continues to perform at the required level. The generic structured cabling...
  • 5.6 Reference point and placement angle Rules for 2D drawings 5.6.1 The rules for 2D drawings are as follows: a) components and land patterns are drawn in top view; b) the component point of origin is shown by “+” or “x”; c) A circumscribing rectangle which contains the component body and land patterns (in top view) should be a part of the library component description. This rectangle is the “Courtyard” that provides a minimum electrical and physical clearance for the part and the land pattern. The point of origin of the description should match that of the component and land...