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  • 3.1 primitive expression for which no non-circular definition can be provided 3.2 universal type entity (3.1) that has indefinitely many instances ( 3.6 ) EXAMPLE Electron, molecule, cell, planet, explosion, vehicle, hour, traffic law, organization, mortgage contract, email message. Note 1 to entry: References to universals are employed in the formulation of the assertions of natural science and of analogous general assertions in technical manuals, experimental protocols or legal or administrative documents. 3.3 extension collection (3.4) of instances of a universal (3.2) Note 1 to entry: In OWL, every Class is associated with a Class Extension, which is the set...
  • 7 External RF field detection During external RF field detection, an NFCIP-2 device shall, for a period of T IDT + n × T RFW , detect external RF fields at fc with a value higher than H THRESHOLD and shall not generate an RF field. T IDT , T RFW , n and H THRESHOLD are specified in ISO/IEC 18092. 9 Mode selection and switching This clause specifies the procedure, which is comprised of mode selection and the sequence for mode switching, for NFCIP-2 devices to switch to the NFC mode, the PCD mode, the PICC mode or the...
  • 5 General requirements 5.1 Legal and contractual matters The requirements in ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, 5.1 apply. 5.2 Management of impartiality 5.2.1 General The requirements in ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015, 5.2 apply. In addition, the following requirements and guidance apply. 5.2.2 SM5.2.2 Conflicts of interest Certification bodies may carry out the following duties without them being considered as consultancy or having a potential conflict of interest: a) arranging and participating as a lecturer in training courses; where these courses relate to ITAM, related management systems or auditing, certification bodies shall confine themselves to the provision of generic information and advice which is publicly available,...
  • 3.2 ID-B nominally 85,60 mm (3.370 in) wide by 53,98 mm (2.125 in) high with a thickness between 0,84 mm and 2,25 mm (between 0.033 in and 0.089 in) 3.3 ID-T nominally 85,60 mm (3.370 in) wide by 53,98 mm (2.125 in) high with a thickness between 2,25 mm and 3,25 mm (between 0.089 in and 0.128 in) 3.4 machine-readable zone MRZ fixed dimensional area located on an identity card, containing mandatory and optional data formatted for machine reading using optical character recognition (OCR) methods 3.5 new device device to be integrated in the card, except for existing technology, e.g....
  • 3.3 scEFTP effective throughput rate at which a device scans pages measured from the initiation of the job through the full ejection of the last page of the scanning sets or through the complete creation of the file on the shared network folder or PC after the transfer of the last page of the last test set (3.16) EXAMPLE scEFTP 1setA means scanning effective throughput of “1 set test ” for “ADF productivity measurement ”. Note 1 to entry: “sc ” denotes that the measurement is taken on the scanner. Note 2 to entry: There are suffixes such as “...
  • 4 Conventions and notations The following conventions and notations apply in this document. — A sequence of characters of ‘A’, ‘B ’, ‘C ”, ‘D, ‘E ’ or ‘F ’ and decimal digits in parentheses represent numbers in hexadecimal notation unless followed by a ‘b’ character. — Numbers in binary notation and bit patterns are represented by a sequence of 0 and 1 digits or ‘X ’ characters in parentheses followed by a ‘b’ character, e.g. (0X11X010)b. Where X indicates that the setting of a bit is not specified, and the leftmost bit is the most significant bit unless the...
  • For a monochrome test pattern, all letters should be black. For a colour test pattern, arbitrary letters should be colourized by using the primary colorants of the printer. Besides A4 paper size, the size most commonly used in the country may be used, both for the test page and the copies. This shall be indicated in the specification sheet. 5 Information to be included in the specification sheets Table 1 defines, for each parameter, the name of the parameter and a short description of the entry. These constitute the information to be included in the specification sheet. Parameters whose properties...
  • For example, the security object reference as well as the cryptographic mechanism reference shall be either implicitly known or specified in a CRT in a manage security environment command. NOTE A security object reference is a reference of a secret key, a reference of a public key, a reference data, a reference for computing a session key or a reference of a private key. See ISO/IEC 7816-4. Such a command can be performed only if the security status satisfies the security attributes for the operation. The successful execution of the command may be subject to successful completion of prior commands...
  • 3.8 NILM system combination of a NILM sensing device and NILM analytics 3.9 power metering and monitoring device PMD combination in one or more devices of several functional modules dedicated to metering and monitoring electrical parameters in energy distribution systems or electrical installations, used for applications such as energy efficiency, power monitoring and network performance Note 1 to entry: Under the generic term “monitoring” are also included functions of recording, alarm management, etc. Note 2 to entry: PMDs have a known measurement uncertainty over a specified measurement range and are robust to influence quantities and industrial environments [SOURCE: IEC 61557-12:2018,...
  • The inductor L is used to limit the effect of the short circuit for the utility grid that powers the test circuit. The sizing of L shall therefore account for all test sequences to be performed and limit the current taken from the grid to values that do not cause an excessive increment of the grid voltage. Considering an acceptable voltage increment of at most 5 % when performing the test, the minimum reactance value of the inductor L shall be at least 20 × Z Grid , where Z Grid is the grid short-circuit impedance of the utility grid....